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Technicolor Ultra-Broadband Survey Results: Discover How Telco Operators See the Adoption of new Access Technologies

07 Mar 2019


3 min

More than 130 participants from 38+ leading telco operators around the world participated in an industry survey launched by Technicolor, known as Vantiva, to see how the adoption and deployment of Advanced Copper and Fiber technologies are evolving.

More than 57% of Telco operator executives, managers, and engineers are overseeing plans to deliver 10G-Fiber by 2020.

In October 2018, Technicolor launched an industry survey within the telecommunications industry. The survey generated valuable insights on future industry trends – at the heart of which lies a program of sustained investment by Telco operators to increase 10G Fiber bandwidth by 2020.

The responses from a minimum 38 different service providers highlight plans not only to maintain, but to aggressively grow high-speed copper network infrastructure for UBB. This is seen both as a response to competition from cable operators who have taken a step forward with their new generation DOCSIS 3.1 solutions, and as a means of providing the necessary bandwidth to satisfy customer needs across applications as diverse as gaming, home connectivity, security, AR/VR, 360 videos, cybersecurity, and healthcare.

Interestingly, advanced copper will play a key role in this strategy. Many respondents stated that VDSL 35b would take center stage as an adjustment variable within their network strategies. Participants also noted that VDSL 35b would not be used in isolation, but that it would be used as part of an “advanced copper mix” whereby operators combine different copper technologies to find the perfect cocktail to suit their network.

The key drivers for these plans are services and churn. Unsurprisingly, the ever-expanding range of services provided by Telco operators is increasingly dependent on ultra-high-speed Internet.

This ambitious growth is therefore directly linked to end-user needs. But churn is also said to play a key part. Operators are looking for innovative technologies and apps that will stimulate new revenue streams and lay the foundation for competitive differentiation, a key driver for Technicolor’s HERO program.

Whether it confirms your thoughts or gives you a new perspective on your peers’ vision for fiber and advanced copper roll-outs, the survey shows very clearly how industry will exploit both fiber and advanced copper technologies to bolster their 10G fiber networks.

All of the results are summarized in the accompanying infographic below.